Solar home supply program by:
Make Someone
Syrian refugee camps by:
Technical Education Program
We Take
find old age home
Together, we can change the world.
Welcome to CSORV
We make a Difference in your lives
It is difficult to pinpoint the exact age when an adult becomes a geriatric patient. It is a gradual process that enforces the need for some kind of support by family or medical staff without which, the patient may be worse off.
Amazing Atmosphere
We are building residential complexes to secure a good climate for the elderly and work to integrate them into society.
Latest Medical Care
We provide modern medical care inside homes for people with special needs, specifically those who suffer from physical issues.
Medicines and vaccinations
We distribute medicines to people with chronic diseases in addition to mandatory vaccinations for children.
Physical treatment center
A physical therapy center for people with disabilities and sports injuries, supervised by a group of professional physical therapists.
Assisted Living Support
Livelihood support project to provide a minimum standard of living for the poorest families in Lebanon, especially in the north.
Hospice Care
CSORV provides a professional medical team of doctors and nurses in Lebanon and the Middle East health care and medical services to the elderly.
Value for Life
Expert Care of the Elderly
Competent Staff
Quality Medical Care
Relaxation Techniques
Amazing Ambience
Excellent Healthy Cuisine
An educated community is a dignified community. Thus, our Education Program works to enhance livelihoods and social cohesion through the provision of quality primary education to 3,000 Syrian refugees children as well as Basic Literacy and Numeracy (BLN) to 700 Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian youth and adults
We believe that providing care for others is the most precious thing a person can offer. At CSORV, we offer specialized caring services for the homeless and elderly people; in addition to those with mental and physical disabilities.
CSORV has Improved - through adjusting the temperature according to the weather ( increasing the temperature by 10 °C in winter, and reducing it by 10 °C in summer), which has saved heating fuel for refugees.
In 2016, CSORV launched The Health Program Lebanon (HPL) to improve Syrian refugees’ access to quality and affordable healthcare in the North Valley. HPL works to fill gaps in Lebanon’s healthcare system by reducing the physical and financial barriers of health care services, which are preventing thousands of Syrian ill refugees from pursuing the needed treatments.
CSORV provides humanitarian support for orphans that exist in several countries in which we operate. We are keen to offer them maximum support, care, and protection. We also strive to provide them with a safe, healthy and secure environment that compensates somewhat for the family tenderness they miss.
Indeed, CSORV has recently implemented many recreational activities at Al Amal Institute- Gaza Strip, dedicated for providing orphans with several types of care services.
Vocational training, also known as Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Career and Technical Education (CTE), provides job-specific technical trainings. The program generally focuses on providing mostly youth with hands-on instructions, which can lead to a certification or a diploma. Vocational training at CSORV is systematically organized according to basis of vocational groups. A vocational group includes trainees who share similar technical capabilities and want to enhance their skills in order to boost their job performance. Our mission is to reinforce our trainees’ technical and vocational skills. In fact, the purpose of the vocational training is to encourage self growth and to promote self-reliance. To elaborate, our courses are administered in Beirut, Aramoun, Tripoli, Baalbek and Saida, and are tailored to meet the labor market’s needs.
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Ageing gracefully
Caring is a way of life...
Ageing is a process of self discovery...We merely help you!
Some people reach the age of 70 while remaining healthy. However, some other people require the care of others at the age of 60!
It all depends on individual factors, and we are here to help!
Youth is a gift of nature.
I am not old-I have been
Wear your years with pride
But age is a work of art!
Young for a long time!
Like a badge of honor!